●メーカー名:ツアラテック / TOURATECH(ツラーテック) ●商品名:ZEGA Pro2 アルミパニアケース 専用オプション品 ORTLIEBドライバッグ L 【ハイビジビリティーイエロー】アダプタープレート付属
●メーカー品番:tt_01-050-3211-0 ●JANコード:4573209234591
●カラー ハイビジビリティーイエロー
●備考 ZEGA Pro2サイドパニアケース専用オプション品。
ZEGA Pro2ケースのアクセサリホルダーサポートを利用して取り付けます。
Our new accessory holders have been further developed specifically for the pre-assembled ZEGA Pro2 aluminium panniers. Innovative solutions and detail improvements figure significantly in the new series.
Accessory holder: holder with Ortlieb additional bag High Visibility , size L
ZEGA Pro2 accessory holders attach to the pannier in seconds using the standard attachment points of the pre-assembled ZEGA Pro2 aluminium pannier.
Securing the pannier lock automatically secures the accessory holder. This means there is no need for a push button, and the equipment can remain in the holder.
All ZEGA Pro2 accessory holders come with plastic elements to protect belts.
Now there’s nothing to prevent you from increasing your luggage space thanks to the Touratech ZEGA Pro2 accessory holders.
Interchangeable as required, you’ll always have the right equipment with you.
●メーカー名:ツアラテック / TOURATECH(ツラーテック)
●商品名:ZEGA Pro2 アルミパニアケース 専用オプション品 ORTLIEBドライバッグ L 【ハイビジビリティーイエロー】アダプタープレート付属
ZEGA Pro2サイドパニアケース専用オプション品。
ZEGA Pro2ケースのアクセサリホルダーサポートを利用して取り付けます。
Our new accessory holders have been further developed specifically for the pre-assembled ZEGA Pro2 aluminium panniers. Innovative solutions and detail improvements figure significantly in the new series.
Accessory holder: holder with Ortlieb additional bag High Visibility , size L
ZEGA Pro2 accessory holders attach to the pannier in seconds using the standard attachment points of the pre-assembled ZEGA Pro2 aluminium pannier.
Securing the pannier lock automatically secures the accessory holder. This means there is no need for a push button, and the equipment can remain in the holder.
All ZEGA Pro2 accessory holders come with plastic elements to protect belts.
Now there’s nothing to prevent you from increasing your luggage space thanks to the Touratech ZEGA Pro2 accessory holders.
Interchangeable as required, you’ll always have the right equipment with you.
- Additional bag 3.5 liters